Autism Treatment for your Child (and parent support)

Holistic Autism Treatment online everywhere (or in person in St. Pete Florida)

What is Autism?

Ever wondered what autism is all about? Well, autism, also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), is a fascinating and complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects the way children perceive and interact with the world. It brings about unique challenges in social interaction, communication, and behavior. In this article, we'll dive into the world of autism, exploring its common characteristics, and shedding light on the extraordinary journey of children on the autism spectrum.

Does my child have Autism?

What does autism look like in a child? Let's break it down:

  1. Social Interaction Challenges: Kids with autism sometimes struggle with social interactions. They may find it a bit tough to have back-and-forth conversations, make eye contact, or pick up on nonverbal cues. This can make it harder for them to make friends and connect with others.

  2. Communication Differences: Language and communication can be a bit trickier for some kids with autism. Some may take a little longer to start talking, while others may have a vast vocabulary but find it hard to use language effectively in social situations. It's like having their own unique language journey.

  3. Repetitive Behaviors and Special Interests: Many kids with autism have these quirky behaviors and interests that make them truly special. They might engage in repetitive movements like hand-flapping or develop intense passions for specific topics. These behaviors and interests bring them comfort and a sense of familiarity in their world.

  4. Sensory Sensitivities: Imagine experiencing the world in a different way. Kids with autism may be extra sensitive or not as sensitive to sensory stimuli. Loud noises, bright lights, certain textures, or strong smells can either be overwhelming or barely noticeable to them. They might also seek out sensory experiences like spinning or touching things to help them feel just right.

  5. Emotional Regulation Challenges: Sometimes, emotions can be a rollercoaster ride for kids with autism. They might find it tough to understand and express their feelings, which can lead to meltdowns or emotional outbursts when things get overwhelming. We all have our moments, right?

  6. Cognitive and Learning Differences: Kids with autism have their own unique learning styles and cognitive strengths. Some may excel in visual thinking, have an amazing memory, or pay incredible attention to detail. However, they may face challenges when it comes to things like problem-solving or abstract thinking.

How can you support your child with Autism?

Now that we've got the basics, let's talk about the incredible journey of children with autism:

  1. Embracing Neurodiversity: Autism is just one part of the beautiful tapestry of human diversity. Kids with autism bring their own unique perspectives, talents, and abilities to the world. Embracing neurodiversity means celebrating these differences and recognizing the value they bring to our communities.

  2. Highlighting Strengths: Each child with autism has their own set of strengths and interests. By identifying and nurturing these talents, we can help them shine bright. Maybe they're amazing artists, music enthusiasts, or budding scientists. Let's discover and encourage their passions!

  3. Tailored Support: Every child with autism is a superstar in their own right. They require individualized support that takes into account their specific needs. Working with healthcare professionals, educators, and therapists, we can create customized plans that address their unique challenges and maximize their potential.

  4. Early Intervention Matters: Early diagnosis and intervention can make a huge difference in the lives of children with autism. Early intervention services, such as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and applied behavior analysis (ABA), help kids develop crucial skills and improve their overall well-being.

  5. Creating Inclusive Environments: Let's create a world that embraces everyone, regardlessof their neurodiversity. Inclusion is key! Here's how we can do it:

  • Inclusive Education: Encourage inclusive educational settings where children with autism can learn alongside their peers. By providing necessary accommodations, fostering understanding, and promoting acceptance, we can create a supportive learning environment for all children.

  • Promoting Acceptance: It's important to spread awareness and educate others about autism. By promoting acceptance and understanding within our communities, we can reduce stigma and create a more inclusive society where children with autism are accepted and valued for who they are.

  • Building Social Connections: Social interactions can be challenging for children with autism, but they thrive with support and opportunities for social engagement. Encourage inclusive playdates, group activities, and community events where children with autism can interact with their peers and build meaningful connections.

  • Sensory-Friendly Spaces: Sensory enrichment plays a vital role in supporting children with autism. Creating sensory-friendly spaces in schools, parks, and public places can provide a safe and comfortable environment for children with autism to explore and engage with their surroundings.

  • Supportive Networks: Connect with local support groups and organizations that specialize in autism. These networks can provide valuable resources, guidance, and a sense of community for families and children with autism. Sharing experiences and learning from others can be empowering for everyone involved.


Autism is a beautiful part of the human experience, and understanding it is crucial for creating a world that celebrates diversity and inclusivity. Children with autism embark on a unique journey, filled with challenges and triumphs. By embracing neurodiversity, highlighting strengths, providing tailored support, and fostering inclusive environments, we can make a positive impact on their lives.

How can working with me help your child (and you) with navigating Autism

In addition to understanding the unique characteristics of autism, it's important to explore how sensory enrichment therapy can be a valuable tool in supporting children with autism. Sensory enrichment therapy focuses on creating a sensory-rich environment and providing tailored sensory experiences to help regulate sensory processing and enhance overall well-being. Here's how it can benefit children with autism:

  1. Sensory Integration: Children with autism often have difficulties processing sensory information, which can lead to sensory sensitivities or seeking behaviors. Sensory enrichment therapy aims to improve sensory integration by exposing children to various sensory experiences in a controlled and supportive environment. This helps them gradually adapt and respond more effectively to sensory stimuli.

  2. Regulation and Calming: Sensory enrichment therapy provides children with autism with opportunities to engage in activities that promote relaxation and self-regulation. Sensory tools, such as weighted blankets, sensory swings, or tactile materials, can help children calm their nervous systems and reduce anxiety or stress. By incorporating soothing sensory experiences, it becomes easier for children to navigate their daily routines and transitions.

  3. Sensory Exploration and Engagement: Sensory enrichment therapy encourages children with autism to explore their environment and engage with different sensory stimuli. This can include activities like playing with textured materials, engaging in messy play, or experimenting with different sensory bins. By providing these opportunities, children can enhance their sensory processing skills, expand their sensory repertoire, and develop new ways to interact with the world around them.

  4. Motor Skill Development: Many children with autism also face challenges with their motor skills and coordination. Sensory enrichment therapy often incorporates movement-based activities, such as swinging, jumping, or climbing, to promote motor skill development. These activities help strengthen core muscles, improve balance, and enhance overall motor planning abilities.

  5. Social Interaction and Communication: Sensory enrichment therapy can also facilitate social interaction and communication skills for children with autism. Group sessions or activities provide opportunities for peer interactions, turn-taking, and joint attention. Engaging in sensory-rich play with others can foster social connections, improve communication, and enhance social engagement skills.

  6. Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation: Through sensory enrichment therapy, children with autism can develop a better understanding of their own sensory preferences and needs. This self-awareness allows them to communicate their sensory experiences to others, advocate for their needs, and participate more actively in their own sensory integration process. It empowers them to become more independent and confident in managing their sensory challenges.

It's important to note that sensory enrichment therapy should be tailored to each child's specific needs and conducted under the guidance of trained professionals. Collaborating with occupational therapists or sensory integration specialists can ensure that the therapy is individualized and aligned with the child's goals and preferences.

By incorporating sensory enrichment therapy into the overall support and intervention plan for children with autism, we can help them develop effective sensory processing strategies, enhance their overall functioning, and improve their quality of life.

Are you ready to get started helping your child and family today? Please contact me with the form below!

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Call or text me today at 727-315-0869. Also, you can contact me by filling out the form below and I’ll reach out quickly to get started.